Technology with a Human Touch
Get all the tools you need to train your employees, quickly serve customers and even collect data on in-store shopping habits, helping you work smarter while putting your customers first.
Knowledge on demand with an AI Assistant
Add in an AI Assistant, to provide live answers to spoken questions, whether about stock availability or about the products themselves. Ease training requirements and deliver complete accuracy with an AI-powered solution that’s linked to your inventory management system (IMS) and product database.
Instant buyer alerts via touch-free QR codes for retail
Forget using dusty call terminals that have been touched by many people throughout the day. Transform every product into a touch-free call point with instant alerts to your staff each time customers scan a QR code linked to in-store goods.
Predictive retail analytics on customer engagement
Track customer engagement with your products via the system’s automatic logging of QR code scans, enabling you to build your own exclusive data systems for predictive retail analytics.
See x-hoppers in Action

On-The-Job Training Support with AI Assistant
With x-hoppers, not only can your new employees instantly reach out to their colleagues for help, but thanks to our chatbot integration they have access to always-on support giving them access to vital information whenever they need it.

Cómo mejorar el servicio al cliente con la IA en el comercio minorista
A la hora de realizar compras complejas, como una cocina, existe mucha información que los clientes no saben — especialmente sobre la gama de productos. Con AI Coach, los trabajadores de la tienda siempre estarán preparados para las preguntas más complejas incluso si no son diseñadores de cocina formados. De esta forma cuando un cliente necesite saber si un modelo específico de placa de vitrocerámica de inducción viene con un enchufe o se cablea directamente, cualquier miembro del personal que use los auriculares x‑hoppers podrá preguntar a AI Coach y tendrás una respuesta clara en cuestión de segundos.
Si la respuesta no es lo que el cliente esperaba, otra consulta rápida a AI Coach puede ofrecer una lista de placas que cumplan las especificaciones del cliente, salvando lo que podría ser una venta perdida. Los trabajadores de la tienda pueden incluso preguntarle a AI Coach sobre ciertos complementos, ofreciéndole la posibilidad de venderle al cliente ollas y sartenes que funcionen con la nueva placa, generando más ventas para la tienda y asegurando que el cliente tenga todo lo que necesita para disfrutar de su nueva cocina.
Create a Bridge from Your Product to Product Experts

This one little tool can:
- Connect in-store customers with offsite product specialists
- Help reduce returns caused by buying unsuitable items
- Provide analytics to discover more about product interactions
- Simultaneously drive traffic to your company website
- Create opportunities to upsell or cross-sell
- Increase customer satisfaction